Reverse engineering AoS Pt 3 – BS


The original conversion guide says that the Warhammer Quest BS value is *just* the original WFB To Hit chart


AoS has changed the concept of BS quite a lot as the best you can get is 2+, so I’m assuming the numbers are stretched across the range a bit like this.

AoS 6+6+5+5+4+4+3+3+2+2+

Goblin archer35+5+3-4
Swamp troll/Fellwater Troggoth16+2+9-10
Dark Elf crossbows43+5+3-4
Orc archers/Savage orc archers34+5+3-4

By using the new To Hit chart, we’re getting close to matching the ranges, with the sole exception of the trolls who seem to now be crack shots with their vomit (which sort of makes sense as it’s a spray so should be easy to hit with). There’s still a degree of picking the right value, but with only two options to work with it’s hopefully fairly straight forward to decide.
The table below should give you an idea of what BS value you should be getting in WQ based on the AoS ranged To Hit value
