Goblin Stabbas and Arrers


As an initial play with the monster profile cards, here are the most basic of Goblins to kick start the Night Goblin faction. If you’re wondering why the Spears and Arrers are separate cards… and that big empty space down the bottom… there are plans for that, but they need more work before I release that version of the cards! For now, it’s just the main stats and the simple addition of the categories. Pictures will be added in a future incarnation once I dig out some of my painted figures (or actually paint them!)

The intent behind the Keywords is… dundunduuuuuun… to allow easy grouping of things and provide the ability to attach additional features to at a later date. For example magic users will get a Wizard keyword and villainous more fighty villains have the keyword Boss.

The baseline stats are the same as the WQ Goblins, but they have Hatred (Dwarf) included as we all know Night Goblins hate those beardy fellas.

The full versions can be downloaded from the Google folder