Reverse engineering AoS stats pt 1


As you can probably tell by now, I’m a bit fickle when it comes to what I’m working on, so having lots of different mini projects going on at once is a good thing! Back in the day there were some very rough guidelines on converting WFB to WQ, so I thought I’d give it a go and try to revise these to include converting from Age of Sigmar as well. Some elements seem to be fairly easy, others (as always) are a bit of a mystery and just seem to be a bit of guesswork. We’re going to make this a series of posts so I can dig into things a bit more where necessary.

After each article, the notes are going to end up on a consolidated page with my final draft of the instructions, rather than flooding the page with tables of comparisons.

I’ve been running some comparisons between the WFB (WQ era), WQ and AoS stat blocks for some of the standard unit types that exist in all three. I’m sure these notes will change over time as I play with converting things over, but for now:


Goblin Stabba445
Swamp troll/Fellwater Troggoth666

Movement seems to be a bit hit and miss here…

From a wider comparison across 4th edition Warhammer vs Age of Sigmar, the base movement of things seems to have gone from 4 to 5 for humanoid type creatures. I assume there is some general logic to do with formations being slower than the freeform melee in AoS.

There are, of course, exceptions to this, even in just 4 comparisons here

Ghouls seem to have become a fast moving faction in the new lore, which raises an interesting question about how to treat them in WQ if I’m revising everything as I go. I like that they are faster as it can make them scarier, but most things don’t really move much in Quest once you’ve placed them except in the larger rooms. One to ponder upon

Trolls seem to have remained the same, rather than increasing in speed, so we may be able to assume that the slightly faster creatures remain the same with their stats.


Calculating Movement

  • When converting from Warhammer Fantasy Battles:
    • Movement remains the same
  • When converting from Age of Sigmar
    • If the creature is considered Medium or Small (i.e. not on a 40mm base) then M is reduced by 1
    • If the Creature is Large, or bigger, (i.e. on a 40mm+ size base) then M remains the same